Fishbowl inventory wiki
Fishbowl inventory wiki

fishbowl inventory wiki

fishbowl inventory wiki

Doing so while a block's inventory (chest, dispenser, etc.) is open will send the item stack immediately from your inventory into the block that you have open or vice versa. Holding ⇧ Shift and clicking on the item will send the item from your hotbar to the main 27 slots, or vice versa.


Double clicking an item will grab up to a full stack from all the items within the inventory. Conversely, while holding a stack in the inventory, left click will place the full stack in the slot, and right click will place just one item. If the stack is an odd quantity, then it will leave the smaller half (for example, a stack of 7 will leave 3 items in the slot and grab 4). Stacks can be grabbed by pressing left click on the stack, and split by pressing right click.

fishbowl inventory wiki

Pressing use on a block with an inventory, such as a chest, crafting table or a furnace will open up its GUI and allow items to be transferred between the 27 main slots, the 9 hotbar slots, and the blocks GUI. Press F3+ H will cause items to display additional information, such as their ID name, data values, and some item specific information. Items have tooltips if the cursor is hovered over them, displaying their name, enchantments, lore, and some item specific information such as the version of a written book. Held armor can be equipped by using it, provided there is not currently armor in the corresponding slot. In Survival or Adventure mode, there is also a 2×2 crafting grid, which allows any recipe which fits to be crafted, but does not offer item storage.Īrmor is only considered equipped when it is in an armor slot when in any of the regular inventory slots, it is not considered "worn" and does not offer protection. Certain items, such as snowballs, empty buckets, eggs, signs and ender pearls can only stack up to 16. Some items cannot stack, notably tools (with the exception of clocks and compasses), armor, and potions. Most items can stack up to a maximum of 64 in one slot. Items in the hotbar slots can be selected during play using the keyboard (keys 1– 9) or mousewheel, and placed or wielded with the mouse buttons. The inventory consists of 4 armor slots, 27 storage slots, 9 hotbar slots, and an off-hand slot. Inventory is saved upon exiting a world or server, so the player will have exactly the same items upon entering the world or server as they did when they last left. The inventory can also be closed with the Esc key. This key can be changed from the in-game options menu. The inventory is opened and closed by pressing the E key ( on the Xbox 360 & Xbox One, on the PlayStation, on the Wii U, and

Fishbowl inventory wiki